Death to spies: review
„Death to spies“ – this is, if you like, the Russian killer of the great and terrible Hitman. And in these words there is not a drop of irony. Haggard Games With their debut project, they are not inferior in anything, but in many ways even bypass foreign colleagues. However, against the background S.T.A.L.K.E.R. The output of the stealth explosion about the second world remained almost unnoticed. And in vain.
„Our service is both dangerous and difficult …“
The Main Directorate of Military Counterintelligence “SMERSH” was created on April 19, 1943 on the basis of the management of special departments and the naval department of the NKVD. Its tasks were the fight against espionage and sabotage activities of foreign intelligence, as well as betrayal, desertion and acquaintance in the army units. The 4th department was engaged in the most difficult work. It was his employees who were sent behind the front line for collecting intelligence, countering enemy intelligence services and eliminating especially important persons.
The main hero of the game, Captain Semen Strogov, had a chance to participate in the most significant and dangerous operations of the 4th department. However, in 1951, after the arrest of the Minister of State Security Abakumov, who led Smeresh during the war, the former counter-reconnaissance was in the NKVD dungeons. How and why it happened, history is silent. The plot in “death to spies” is generally a very conditional thing. Strogov talks about his exploits during interrogation with the investigator. Each memory is a separate level, but with each other they have nothing in common. A similar technique, by the way, was successfully used in Hitman: Contracts.
The main interest is the tasks themselves. Many of them are associated with real historical events. For example, in one of the missions, it is necessary to arrange an escape from the concentration camp of the informant who has information about the connections of the Swedish diplomat Wallenberg with German intelligence (later he was abducted and liquidated by Soviet specialists). We will also have to visit London and the secret laboratory in Los Alamos, USA. Allies allies, but the “borrowed” drawings of the atomic bomb for the USSR were very helpful.
Our hero does not have to think about the correctness of orders given by the command, the work is such. It is said to eliminate the traitor who took refuge on the territory of the British embassy will eliminate, and without blinking. Even if along the way you have to kill a few innocent employees. What to say, the harsh truth of life, without any pathos.
„The main thing is that the suit is sitting“
And without spectacular shootings and chases. IN „Death to spies”95% of the playing time is pure“ stealth ”. That is, to clean the level with a machine gun at the ready, as in the same Hitman, you cannot. Of course, you can try, but all the surrounding patrols will immediately run to the sound of shots. And if in the first two missions you can still have time to shoot a few enemies, taking advantage of the open area, then such a trick will not work in the premises.
However, you quickly understand that you can enjoy the process only if you act secretly and extremely neatly. Fortunately, there are all conditions for this. The security for the actions of the character reacts quite adequately, and if a muzzle SS man has time to see you a second before the death, this does not mean that anxiety will come across immediately. At least he needs a second to shout “Alarm!“ – a bullet from a pistol with a silencer flies faster. If the fascist reptile has time to raise the noise, then only those who were nearby come to the heart -rending cries and heard. Only after the body is discovered, one of the soldiers rushes to an emergency button, and then the whole base will stand on the ears. Of course, these unnecessary witnesses can be quickly killed. There are no irreparable situations in the game, automatic mission failures after detecting and everything else, which was so irritated by its illogicality in such projects. The marginal honesty and realism is the main idea „SMERSH„.
Significantly facilitates the passage of the opportunity to put on an enemy uniform. Although such a “trick” was in Hitman, but here it is realized much more interesting. The fact is that enemy security consists of both ordinary and officers, and those different titles have different. Usually the character can find out those who are older or one rank with it. For example, in the tunic of the Wehrmacht corporal, you can attract the attention of even ordinary patrol SS. But the officer form is a ticket to almost any point in the card, the main thing is not to catch the eye of some high rank.
Dressing games, perhaps the most exciting part of Haggard Games. Sometimes, in order to get the desired uniform, you have to do things impossible at first glance. Like you, for example, the task: to get the form of the SS stormmbanfuhrer, who talks in a small room with two more German officers, despite the fact that a sentry periodically looks from the corridor, which can also attract noise. And if you quietly shoot or throw a knife, then the suit is stained with blood, so you need to throw a booze behind. So you have to catch every second who turned away where, and then act quickly and decisively. Thanks to the developers that they did not arrange hardcore and left the possibility of free preservation.
Speaking of knives. The arsenal of the instruments of murder and other espionage tools is small, but each instance is unique in its own way and is needed in the appropriate situation. A silent gun, of course, is much easier to use, but sometimes the victim must simply be immobilized without harming. In this case, you can either stun (very loudly, attracts a lot of attention), or euthanize the chloroform (long enough, takes about 5 seconds) – how to act, you decide on the basis of the situation. Oh yes, there are rifles with machine guns, grenades, and even mines, but if it comes to use, it is better to immediately load the last conservation. Therefore, the “Schmeiser” hanging idly behind the shoulder serves as a pretty addition to the appearance, but not with a weapon.
A miracle radar turned out to be a huge messenger, on which the direction of the view and the radius of the viewing of all enemies without exception was miraculously displayed. It can be seen even which of them can expose the character, and who is simply alarmed and will now come running to check the situation. On where Semyon got this unique device while the best minds of mankind are fighting, but the fact that since then has not invented anything like this – the fact.
German order in Russian
„Death to spies“Along with the“ Stalker ”, it is knocked out of hundreds of crafts of the domestic industry thanks to high -quality execution. First of all, it catches the eye of the graphics-not a homegrown glow engine with muddy textures and angular oak-soldiers, and a decent picture of the level of foreign action of class B. In the frame, open spaces with dozens of highly polygonal models fit impressive sizes without any problems, while no brakes or sorties into the system. Particular respect causes attention to trifles. The military uniforms and signs of differences have been worked out in detail: by the appearance of a soldier or officer, you can always determine Casinia Casino bonus in what rank he is thanks to the appropriate stripes or buttonholes.
In addition, I would like to say thanks to the designers of levels who have done truly serious work, and did not get off, as we usually do with it, hacks with wooden boxes as an interior. Hundreds of unique textures, furniture, paintings on the walls, photos. In the Abwehr intelligence school, the boards are painted with lectures and schemes on the topic of sniper art and secretive overcoming the fortified areas, and the German castle is full of medieval weapons and armor. Yes, and the cards themselves are completely different from one another: we’ll drop into the Belarusian village occupied by the Nazis, then we will run into a fierce snowstorm in the snowy Vitebsk, and during the break you can pay a visit to the traitor of the homeland in the London hotel. That is why what is happening is not boring, but on the contrary, with each new mission, interest in the game increases more and more.
Alas, and without negative moments,. Special effects are made of hands badly. Already 5 years ago, such pale flashes from shots and fountains of mud, raised by grenades gap, looked wretched, and now! But it would be good only that, for that, he and stealth explosion, so that without spectacular explosions. But the voice acting was worthless! The sound goes to the right or to the left ear excluding the position of its source in space. There are practically no votes of enemies, only a few phrases are recorded. Reaches ridiculous: two patrolmen stand and talk about something, judging by their lively gestures, while not a word is heard. Not otherwise deaf -mute … Only in the intermissions can you enjoy a normal acting speech. Music is the same inexpressive, although the pathos topic in the main menu sets up in a military?.
Final comments
Summing up, I will say that „Death to spies„Is an amazingly high -quality and interesting game for our wild post -Soviet open spaces. Made with great love and care, although it does not shine with a huge budget. The debut project Haggard Games showed the undoubted potential of this team, so we expect new masterpieces from the guys. In the meantime, we plunge into the hard everyday life of counter-reconnaissance of the Great Patriotic War. And with the upcoming Victory holiday, friends!
Gameplay: “stealth” with elements of action, game of dressing up and dentiferous tasks.
Graphics: bright juicy picture, highly polygonal models, good animation and terrible special effects.
Sound: as always saved, so only dialogs in rollers are delighted.
For a long time?: Many missions can be happy to go again after the end of the game.